Arcadier's Acceptable Use Policy

This Acceptable Use Policy ("AUP") is presented to provide Users, along with any company or other business entity they are representing (collectively "You"), of Arcadier Pte Ltd’s (Arcadier) various systems and networks (the "Service") with information relating to Your use of the Arcadier Services. The AUP applies to all Users (including but not limited to all Admins, Merchants, Service Providers, Buyers, Renters, Clients, Advertisers, Visitors and End Users) of the Arcadier Site and Service. It is your responsibility to keep up to date with the changes on the Acceptance Use Policy posted on this link.

Lawful Use

You may only use the Service for lawful purposes. You may not use the Service to facilitate the violation of any law statute, ordinance or regulation and you may not store, transmit or transact any information, data, items or services in violation of any applicable law, statute, ordinance or regulation. In accordance with our Terms of Service we may remove any material that may be illegal, may subject us to liability, or may violate this AUP. Arcadier may co-operate with legal authorities and/or third parties in the investigation of any suspected or alleged crime or civil wrongdoing.

Selling Products

The Service may only be used to build a marketplace for items or services that Your End Users own, have the legal right to offer or accept, or have a license to offer and accept. You may not allow on your marketplace the transaction of data, information, items or services that fall under any of the following categories (unless specifically agreed upon by Arcadier).

Data, information, Items or services that:

  • infringe on any third party copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or other proprietary right

  • are involved in the sale of transmission of unsolicited email ("spam"), spam services, email lists or any spam supporting systems and/or software

  • are involved in the sale of counterfeit or stolen items

  • are involved in fraudulent activity

  • documents used for personal identification, including but not limited to as passports, financial documents and birth certificates

  • are stocks or shares

  • are blood, bodily fluids or body parts

  • contain or consists of fireworks or explosives

  • are misrepresented goods, or goods that do not exist

  • are involved in threats, harassment or libellous activity

  • are material that constitutes "hate speech", whether directed at an individual or group and whether based upon the race, sex, creed, nationality, religious affiliation, sexual orientation or language of such a group or individual

  • harm, or attempt to harm minors, including but not limited to child pornography. any violations will immediately be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency

  • contain defamatory, hateful, obscene, abusive, invasive of privacy or otherwise objectionable material relating to bestiality or depicting non-consensual sex acts

  • are part of any pyramid, phasing, farming or ponzi scheme or engaging in other deceptive practices

  • contain any computer program or code that contains viruses, worms, cracks, time bombs, trojan horses or other malicious computer code that may damage or detrimentally interfere with any system, data or personal information

  • contain or consists of illegal substances or drug Paraphernalia

General Prohibitions

You may not use the Service for any of the following purposes:

  • the transmission of unsolicited email ("spam"), email bombing or email forging

  • any kind of network attack, including but not limited to denial of service (DOS) attacks, crawling external networks, and intentional overloading of other networks

  • the collection, sale or transmission of personal information without explicit permission of that person(s)

General Account Use

You may not lease or sell Your account or any part of it. You must not give your password to any other persons or allow access to your account by any other persons. You must protect the confidentiality of your password(s) and it is your responsibility to inform us when you know your password(s) have been compromised.


You must take reasonable security precautions in light of your use of the Arcadier Service. You are solely responsible for any breaches of security affecting the Marketplaces or Accounts under your control.

A compromised Marketplace or Account is potentially disruptive or even harmful to Arcadier’s network and other Users. Therefore Arcadier reserves the right but not the obligation to take your Marketplace or Account offline should it be accessed or manipulated by any third party without your consent.

Payment Gateways

You must adhere to the Acceptable Use Policy and Terms of Service of any payment gateway that you use. For PayPal the Acceptable Use Policy can be found here, for Stripe the Terms and Conditions can be found here.

Other Third Party Services

You must adhere to the Acceptable Use Policy and Terms of Service of any third party sites, APIs, or plug-ins such as and no limited to social media plug-in, shipping calculator plug-in that you use.

Acceptance of Terms

Use of the Service constitutes acceptance and agreement to the Arcadier AUP and Terms of Service (TOS). If at any point should we find You have violated the AUP or TOS then your account may be suspended or terminated without prior notice.

Arcadier requests that anybody who is aware of any violation of the AUP to contact support at and to provide evidence in the form of IP addresses, HTTP links, screenshots and website urls where available.


If you believe one of our customers is in violation of this AUP, Arcadier requests that you contact support to investigate and confirm whether a violation has occurred or is occurring. Arcadier reserves the right but not the obligation to investigate any violation of this policy or misuse and of the services or the Account. We may:

  • investigate violations of this AUP or misuse of the Services or Account

  • remove, disable access to, or modify any content or resource that violates this AUP or our Terms of Service we have with you.

  • report any activity that we suspect violates any law or regulation to appropriate law enforcement officials, regulators or applicable third parties.

  • cooperate with appropriate law enforcement officials, regulators or applicable third parties to help with investigation and prosecution of illegal conduct by providing appropriate network, systems and lawfully required information related to alleged violations of this Policy.

Updates to this Policy

Due to the evolving nature of technology in general and the Service in particular, The Acceptable Use Policy may be amended at any time by the posting of a new AUP on the Arcadier site. All amended terms shall be automatically effective after they are posted on the or Your continued use of the Service will constitute Your acceptance of and agreement to any changes or additions to this AUP.